Gateway Mask Theatre


Komiske og dramatiske vignetter spillet med mange forskellige håndskårede træmasker.

Koreografi og instruktion:
Sandra Hughes

Michael Hickey

Maske og mimeskuespillere:
Sandra Hughes
Jerilynn Beddingfield
Michael Hickey.

A Mummer’s Tale of the Seasons

Gateway Mummers har optrådt i teatre for familier, på rådhuse, festivaler og kunstcentre i USA, Irland, Nordirland og Skotland.

Den tidligste optegnelse af en irsk pantomime (mumming) gruppe er omtalen af en forestilling spillet for kongen af Ulster i 500 år – hvilket gør denne type folkedrama til en af de ældste vestlige teaterformer, der stadig eksisterer. Gateway Mummers fortsætter denne ældgamle tradition med komiske, magiske forestillinger, skrevet og instrueret af Sandra Hughes.

I Irland spilles pantomimer oftest ved mid-vinter mellem 26. december (Wren Day) (Wren: Gærdesmutte) og 6. januar (Twelfth Night: Hellig Tre Konger). Tidligere blev der også spillet forestillinger ved andre festlige lejligheder i løbet af året.

Maske og mimeskuespillere:
Sandra Hughes
Jerilynn Beddingfield
Michael Hickey.

Billetter her/Ticketshere

Gateway Productions fra Atlanta, Georgia, USA spiller to forestillinger under festivalen.


To inspire and educate through engagement with Mask and Mime Theatre, other Performing Arts and related fine and applied arts.

Gateway Performance Productions exists to:

·       Introduce Mask and Mime Theatre into the environment of educational facilities of all age levels.

·       Increase the learning potential inherent in audience involvement situations through the use of Mask  and Mime Theatre.

·         Demonstrate the use of Mask and Mime Theatre as a relevant explorer of human relationships.

·        Teach Mask and Mime Theatre to all age groups through workshops.

·         Give performances to public audiences and in the various levels of the educational system.

The company achieves its mission through touring and outreach performances, workshops, classes, residencies, and exhibits to community and educational venues and by maintaining The MASK Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Gateway Performance Productions reaches diverse cultural groups and participates in all functions of Mask and Mime Theatre in order to further the cultural quality of Mask and Mime Theatre and ,thereby, ensure its place as an integral part of the world of art.



Søby Skole
Østerbro 31 A
5985 Søby